Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sick day

Chad is back to work today, Liam is showing no further signs of illness, and I feel OK too (or at least I would, if I had gotten enough sleep last night). Having Chad home for the day is normally fun, but all that happened yesterday was he took a long series of 2-hour naps, interrupted only by the worst hacking cough you've ever heard. No offense dear, but we'd rather ship you off to work when you're like that! As a result of his being home, I also appear in a photo alongside Liam for once (taken during one of his resurfacings):
I am busy trying to get my second assignment, which is due tomorrow, shipped off; I'm not so on the ball this week. This wretched course is nothing but math. I don't know what's happened to me - I used to be good at this stuff, and now it is all Greek to me. Must be the Mommy Brain kicking in again.

This afternoon we're off to playgroup, which will seem strangely empty without Jeannine and Autum there; and then it's another hour of homework for me while Liam naps. As much as this sucks, I am very glad I'm knocking off this course now, rather than having waited until I was back at work to take it...


Anonymous said...

Glad you're starting to feel better!