Monday, June 25, 2007

Backyard entertainment

Yes, that is me you hear asking, "What is the significant?" instead of "What is the significance?" Sheesh, I need to work on my narration skills!


megan said...

How do you get the video up on the internet?

Dawn said...

Is it bad that I giggled as he toppled over? he is too sweet! That is a GINOURMOUS blow up pool!!!! Love it!

I am having issues uploading my videos to the internet, quality is too high and the files are too big. I need to see if I can lower it somehow, need to make time to READ the manual!

Carrie said...

I love the falling over part, too. That's me you hear cackling as it happens, so if it's inappropriate - we're both in trouble!

This video was shot at high quality and I had no trouble uploading. You can put videos on YouTube and they give you a snippet of code to copy and paste on your blog post to insert it. Or, you can use the new Blogger feature as I did here. It's still in test mode, so to access it you have to go to instead of the normal Blogger dashboard... then there is an Insert Video icon next to the Insert Image icon in the compose window.