Tuesday, July 24, 2007

15 weeks, and wishing I had figured this out 6 weeks ago

For almost a week now, Mallory has been down for the night between 8 - 8:30 p.m. And it's been awesome. It might only be a half hour to an hour earlier on some nights, but man, what a difference. I am chalking this development up to two changes we've made recently. Number one, she now gets a bath every single night. She may not need one, but if it helps to signal BED to her then it's worth it to go to the trouble. And number two, I no longer try to feed her and get her to sleep in our bed, which is what I used to do. We do a whole pre-bed routine for Liam in our room, which involves reading books in mom and dad's bed and cuddling there before he goes off to his own room. And I have finally clued in that watching and listening to Liam is just way too entertaining for Mallory. This week I started feeding her in the boring confines of her own room, with nobody but me for company - and she falls right asleep. I must be great fun to hang out with. :)