Monday, July 09, 2007


Chad is away on business again. Yep, right about now he is out at the chuckwagon races at the Calgary Stampede. Some business, huh? I have just come back from a couple of days in Stratford visiting my parents. This is one of those nights when I have lots of photos to upload and a recap of the weekend to share, but Mallory just went to bed at 10:50 p.m. after I spent three hours trying to cajole her to sleep, and I am too tired to do any more tonight. I don't know what it is about her - it's like she has this inner ear imbalance thing that flares up whenever she has the slightest inclination that her body may be moving into a prone position, and it startles her awake and she'll have no part of it. Gah. She's lucky that she is only three months old today, because as soon as we hit that four month mark... I think the crying it out thing may be back in order. I don't look forward to doing it, but I am totally looking forward to the results.


Kelly said...

Jason too did not like when he was into a position not of his choice, although it was of his doing. So, what did I do to help him (and us) sleep? I brought the sleep wedge back into play until he was about 8 months old. It did help him sleep better, but I also believe that it delayed his rolling skills.