Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween prep

We carved our pumpkins Monday night. Mr. Potato Head pieces greatly hasten the process when you have 7 pumpkins; unfortunately, I wore my apple corer clear out (I guess they are really only meant for apples). Yesterday, Liam had his Halloween party at Cindy's house. We are almost worn out by Halloween and haven't even gone trick-or-treating yet. It's nuts!

Liam decided that he and Mallory would wear their Halloween shirts one last time today, and save the costumes for tonight. I couldn't convince them to put the costumes on to go to the library. Oh well.I am just thankful that we are not in the ER today nursing a concussion for Mallory after she succeeded in climbing up on a package of toilet paper to get onto a table to pull down a plant in a ceramic planter. I jumped out of the shower just in time to see it come crashing down on her shoulder, just missing her head.

Oy. I need a better plan.


Dawn said...

Happy Halloween! I hear ya, I'm pooped and the kids aren't even out of school yet!

As for Mallory, we used a play-yard.......sort of a gate thing/contraption. Stick her in it with some toys and she should be good! Can't really climb out of it, but Gavin did wise up to realize he could sit and lift it and then crawl under it! I did use the exersaucer as long as I could, but I know you have exhausted that option! My next step was to shower when they napped!