Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Yesterday's holiday activity, as per the advent calendar, was to sit down and write a letter to Santa. Liam has known for weeks what he wanted to ask for, and at the top of the list was a toy kitchen. He has had a toy kitchen picked out of the Wish Book for at least a month now. The funny thing is that that is the exact gift that Gramma and Grampa Cook picked out for Liam and Mallory several weeks before Liam even started jonesing for it - how convenient is that? Now we just have to wait and see how Liam reacts when he realizes that he is supposed to share it with Mallory... and hope that the fact that it isn't coming from Santa doesn't confuse him.

Chad actually just sent me a link to a CNN article about the rising popularity of kitchens as boy toys (here). I didn't think it was all that uncommon... who'd have thunk we'd be trendsetters? :P

One of the big issues we had to iron out, before we wrote our letter to Santa, was what to ask for on Mallory's behalf. Liam has had it in his head for a long time now that Mallory wants The Black Baby. Literally - it's an African American baby doll in the Wish Book. When I was little, the big thing was to have a doll that looked like you did, and so I had been planning to get Mal a little redheaded doll. We went back and forth over whether to proceed with the original plan or get The Black Baby to make Liam happy, and in the end, we decided we'd get The Black Baby. Then I went back to the Wish Book and saw that it costs $80! - because it comes with a carseat, a stroller, a cradle, and about 24 assorted other bits of baby paraphernalia that I do NOT want cluttering up our house! So, The Black Baby did not make it onto the list. We are planning to take Liam out shopping for a present for Mallory before Christmas, and if he can find a Black Baby on the shelf for a reasonable price then he is welcome to get it for her - but it had better come sans accoutrements, or else it's not getting into the cart.

Oh yeah, and the Santa pajamas came in the mail today. I'm glad they're here in time for lots of holiday wearing, but still mighty ticked that I missed having them for the pajama party by just two days.


megan said...

I had a boy baby when I was Mallory's age, boy was my grandmother surprised when we realized he was anotomically correct. Oh and I had a baby of colour as well, but she was Native Canadian in full traditional garb. The girls play with her now but somewhere along the line she got modernized and is now wearing a one piece bathing suit

Kelly said...

If you are going to be in Stratford go to Family & Company. They have some Manhattan Dolls (I think that is the company) there & although they are a little bigger, they are all soft & really neat looking. There is a dark skinned doll there too.
Sydney is totally devoted to her Baby which is a doll that we actually got thrown into our purchase at a garage sale. I'd like to get Sydney a doll from Family & Company but know that it would probably sit in the corner while she carts Baby everywhere with her.