Thursday, January 31, 2008

Oh. My. Heck!!!

Today is bittersweet. The new season of Lost kicks off in about 14 minutes, and to say that I am beyond excited is the understatement of the year. And yet, and yet... I distinctly remember the night that Season 3 wrapped up last May, and thinking two things. Number one: I don't know how I'm going to make it til next YEAR before this show comes back on. Number two (thought while gazing down at my 7-week-old baby girl): by the time that day comes... my maternity leave will be almost over... so although it seems like a long time away, I know it will be here in the blink of an eye.


I did get my request for 3 additional weeks of leave approved, so I officially am back to work on March 31. Two months from today. That's still a relatively long time, and I intend to enjoy every minute of it. There are only 8 episodes of Lost in the vault (bloody writers strike - I don't understand the whole concept of strikes - like, when is the last time you saw a Capacity Management Administrators' strike? Bah.) By the time I go back to work, Lost may well be off the air again. It could be in the blink of an eye.

(XHD is on the other machine... no photos today.)


Anonymous said...

SO...what did you think??

I can't really say that I was disapointed but I was realy hoping they would tell us more stuff! The trailer for the episode was so gosh darn action packed that it left me feeling the actual episode fell flat. Definately lots of clues for things to come, though!

ya, just as hooked as ever!