Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Soaking up some culture

Last night we had tickets to see The Backyardigans: Quest for the Extra Ordinary Aliens at the local Cultural Centre. We bought these tickets many months ago, and only got 3, thinking we'd leave Mallory with a sitter for the night. Little did we know that Mallory would watch The Backyardigans on Treehouse more than Liam does, and there was also that whole finding a sitter issue to contend with, and really, we just couldn't be bothered. So we took Mallory along as a lap baby. Luckily they let us in (after a wee bit of hassle). Their lap baby policy is 12 months and under, and I think they suspected us of pushing it.

Anyway, the show was pretty dismal, as far as Chad and I were concerned - really amateurish. But of course the kids loved it. Liam knows all the characters and enjoyed the songs he was familiar with, though by the end of the hour-long show he was in my lap and twirling my hair - ready to go home. Mallory paid attention for a good 40 minutes and was happy to scamper around on the floor after that (our seats were front row balcony, next to an aisle, so we had some legroom). We also wound up sitting across the aisle from some friends, and she invited herself to join them for part of the show. At least she wasn't screaming, which is what I worried would happen, but in the end I suppose it wouldn't have mattered if she did. It's not like there weren't already a thousand toddlers in the room yelling HI PABLO! and I NEED TO PEE! throughout the show.

We have two tickets to see Go Diego Go! Live in London in May, and Chad is planning to take Liam to the show while Mallory and I go shopping. The Backyardigans tickets were only $20 and the show was right down the road from us, so we figured it wouldn't matter if Mallory kicked up a fuss and we had to leave partway through. The Diego tickets, on the other hand, set us back more than $50 each and it's a long drive to get there. We're not taking chances, and we're expecting a much flashier performance this time around.


Anonymous said...

Carrie, I've had to password protect my blog. I can't find your email address to send you an invite, if you still have mine, please send me an email. Also, I know someone you know was also reading....send me their email address too and I'll send them an invite as well.