Tuesday, October 04, 2005

From the vault

I'm getting grief for not having blogged today. Sorry - it's been a hectic day, I don't have a lot to say and I haven't taken photos for several days now so I have little material to work with. In order to placate the antsy crowd, I have dug this photo out of the vault. I think if I had to save one photo from my burning house, this would be the one I would go for (with apologies to Chad and our wedding album!) I will be forever grateful that he caught this hospital shot of Liam and I sleeping when the gaffer was just one day old.

{I just came home from my Bodyflow class. We did an old release, the one that was current during the last few weeks of my pregnancy. Several of the songs from that release made it onto my labour & delivery mix CD that went with us to the hospital. Hence, the reminiscing. And the current Seal video is one of those songs as well.}