Monday, September 11, 2006

A history lesson & an update for Daddy

I had just finished a post when Blogger ate it, so here is the succinct version. Five years ago today I was at work reading the Yahoo! homepage when I saw that a plane had hit the WTC. A colleague and I went down to the lobby to watch on TV and arrived just in time to see the second plane hit. It was my second-last day of work before Chad and I got married on 9/15. The entire day was a surreal alternating back-and-forth between making sure that the flowers were the right colour and watching the towers collapse on TV with the broadcasters speculating that there could be up to 40,000 people inside. When we left for our honeymoon that weekend - we were very lucky to still be able to go - I remember being totally freaked out by the presence of police dogs at the airport. I could never have imagined that now, five years later, I would routinely be removing my shoes to prove they don't contain bombs and foregoing my lipgloss for the same reason.On a happier note, Liam and I are trucking along in our Week Without Daddy. Here he is eating dinner tonight - I turned my back for a second, and before I knew it there was yogurt all over the table, floor, and sofa. Guess what I have on the agenda for tonight?

Yesterday I ran out to pick up a couple of things - went past the Halloween section, just to see what was out, and Liam fell in love with this cat, so it followed us home. I think Captain fell in love with it last night, too, because this morning it was knocked off the table and on the floor clear across the room.

If you have no idea what this thing is, rest assured that you're not alone. This week at Cindy's house it is The 5 Senses Week. Today the kids made Touch Cubes (if I remember correctly). Each side has a different texture on it, like sandpaper or soft fabric. The top of the cube is supposed to be covered in cereal, but Cindy wrote in Liam's notebook that he ate the rest of the pieces. Let's just hope they didn't have glue on them at the time.