Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Reindeer games

This is how Liam looked when I got to Cindy's tonight. It was Reindeer Day at her house, and the kids made reindeer puppets and reindeer food (a mixture of oatmeal and sparkles, to sprinkle on the lawn on Christmas Eve to help guide the reindeer to our house) and read reindeer stories. And, of course, they dressed up as reindeer. Even while they were playing outside.

Far from being bothered by this, Liam loved it, and kept his costume on for a while even after we got home. I wondered why on earth he was happy today when we went through so much grief to get the Christmas card photo.

Since the last of the cards went out on the weekend and most of you have seen them by now, may I present you with an outtake from that session. The antlers lasted for all of ten seconds, and that was only after Chad begrudgingly wrestled Liam into submission.It was worth it all to get the final product. In my mind, anyway (and Liam won't even remember, right?) I think Chad has been traumatized though; next year we might have to do something a little more candid.