Monday, January 22, 2007

31 weeks

If life is fair, then this week will start out with a whimper instead of a bang. We all need to recuperate a little after the weekend. Poor Liam's teeth are bothering him so much. His cheeks are so red, he looks like he's just gone through a chemical peel. He's up several times at night again, which means that we are, too. As a result, we're all dragging. (Well, at least Liam and I are. Chad is still on Cloud 9 after watching the Bears land a spot in the Superbowl. He's a lifelong Bears fan, and this is one year that I can't dog him for it.)

As far as the teeth go, I am braced for it to be another several weeks before they come through and Liam gets some relief... though I really hope not. He's not sleeping well, he's cranky, he's got gastrointestinal issues and a fever... poor dude. Thank goodness this is the end of teething for us... well, at least for another 6-8 months.


Unknown said...

I like this week's belly shot Carrie - it's very pretty!

megan said...

I have never seen that purple hoodie before!

Dawn said...

ADORABLE! Your shots just keep getting better and better!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!

Carrie said...

The purple hoodie does not fit so well in my current state, so you won't likely be seeing it again for a couple of months!