Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Peep show

Andrea at the Fishbowl has a Peep-tastic Photo Challenge going on to celebrate the time of year. Would you believe that up until yesterday, when Liam brought home an Easter treat bag from Cindy's house, I'd never had a Peep? I thought I would like them, since I love eating stale marshmallows straight out of the bag; but they really weren't for me. Good thing, because Liam quite enjoys them and probably doesn't like me dipping into his stash.

Anyway, I can only claim credit for a couple of these photos (guess which ones?) - but I've seen the others in various places over the past few weeks, and thought I would share. The link on Andrea's site has a bunch more.

(March of the Peeps)

(Peeple Rain)

(something that's vaguely Easter-related)


megan said...

I have been working on my peeps as well. I am letting the girls create their own scene as well. I could only find the regular yellow peeps though. Oh...and I had that
melted peep idea, I fguess I am too late.

Dawn said...

You beat me to it! I did peep pics last night with the boys....not for the challenge, but for giggles! You'll see them later in the week!

I think yours should win win! Love little Liam with the BLUE peeps! We have generic yellow in our house, had enough BLUE lips lately....