Thursday, November 08, 2007


We're having one of those days today... when everything seems to be way harder than it should be. Mallory didn't want to eat breakfast... Liam didn't want to get dressed... we were on our way to Deanna's house to do some photos, and were half an hour late getting there. Liam played with Ryan well enough and kept out of trouble, but Mallory was trying to tear the house apart. Luckily Deanna lives two doors down from Gramma and Grampa! - so I ran her over to take advantage of some local babysitting. This was enough to get us through the photo session, but then Liam wandered back into the room and immediately noticed that Mallory was missing. And when I told him she had gone over to see Gramma and Grampa, that was all he needed to hear - he grabbed his coat and said he was ready to go see them, too. *sigh* Sorry our visit got cut short, Deanna, but there are some good shots nonetheless! Look how cute: Deanna is expecting - TWINS! - and we're doing monthly shoots. I was also lucky to do some family shots on the weekend for Christmas for the MacBarr family, so it's been a fun week for me, in spite of the wrangling of the children that's been involved. (I won't post any MacBarr shots here lest they be intended as a surprise.) We also got a Christmas shot of our own out of the deal... so nice to have that crossed off the list so early on!!
In other news, I've been struggling lately to try to find some finger foods for Mallory... spoon feeding her takes forever because she is so darn distracted watching everything Liam does... it will be so much easier once she can self-feed, and I'm trying to help that along as much as possible. Today I gave her goldfish crackers, and she inhaled them. Again, it seems early to be giving her that kind of stuff, but as long as she's getting it down and enjoying it, it's all good, right?