Thursday, December 20, 2007

Does he look a little green around the gills in these pictures?

Because about an hour later, he started puking his guts out. First on our bed. Then on our bedroom floor. And then in his own bed - and he didn't even call me in the night to come clean it up for him. Just found him lying in it this morning. Ewwwwwww.

He hasn't thrown up since then, so I hope The Sick has moved on and found another family to torment. We spent the better part of the morning cleaning up all of our cleanup gear from last night and carting more loads of laundry than you can imagine up and down the stairs (not the best thing to be doing with an ankle that is a motley range of purple).

Thankfully, Mallory decided to cut me a break and slept through the night last night - hallelujah! Cue the angel choir! (Remains to be seen whether she'll repeat her performance anytime soon.) And, at least all this is happening this week, and (hopefully) not next, when we are in full-out revelry mode. In fact, we're lucky it didn't happen just 24 hours later. We have full social calendars for the next three days and after our last party plans were ruined, I sure hope these ones come to pass.

I still have to get out and run a few last minute errands. Still haven't decided what to do about that secret Santa gift and would you believe I am just now getting around to ordering a little something for someone, something that has no hope, I'm sure, of arriving before 2008? It's amazing how time gets away from you when you're at home and don't see the calendar pages flipping by. Ah well - better late than never, right? And who says you can't give gifts to celebrate New Year's, too?