Monday, March 31, 2008

Old & new

Just as if I'd been on some wonderful vacation... poof!... all thought of it is out the window after my first morning back at work. It's funny just how much this place sucks you in again. (Notice that I did not end that sentence after just saying, "It's funny just how much this place sucks." !!)

The good news is that I have had a more seamless transition back into the office this time around. Meaning, I am glad I took my important files and things home with me this time. I did not spend my morning searching for the thief who stole my garbage can and my stapler, either; both were still here. I did spend my morning packing up my stuff and moving to a new office, though, and as I am a 'party of one' - the only person doing what I do in my new area - it's so quiet over here. I wasn't crazy about working in a big communal workspace in the old setup, but it was nice to have someone to yell over the wall to when you needed something. Now, I keep shooting emails to Chad - how do I get myself off this distribution list? How do I update my profile? - things he isn't even really able to help me with.

The dropoff at daycare this morning went fine. We were out the door in good time and when we got to Cindy's, Liam made a beeline for the toyroom and Mallory followed. No tears from either one of us. The true test for Mallory will be how she is doing by Friday - I am sure she will be wondering if she will ever get to spend a morning at home with me again. And the true test for me will be sometime after lunch today, because that's when I sit down with the big boss man to find out exactly what I am supposed to be doing here, and how fast I am supposed to be doing it - and I think the answers are going to be (a) a lot and (b) fast.


Dawn said...

Good luck sweets!!!!!

Anonymous said...

carrie-love your pics and info-your kids are beautiful-uncle jack and aunt sue are now in the 2000's. we have the internet at home and are looking fwd to your blogs and pics, to keep us up to date

Carrie said...

**waving hello to Jack & Sue!**