Thursday, May 29, 2008

This scene just doesn't look right...

...when they are all bundled up like this! It's the end of May, fer-crying-out-loud. The kids are supposed to be wearing shorts and t-shirts and lathering up a sweat as they chase the bubbles around. The peonies were supposed to have flowered weeks ago. The only good in all of this is that the grass has only been cut two or three times so far this year; normally Chad would have done it at least a dozen times by now.

Earlier this week, Cindy threw a birthday party for all the kids. Yes, you read that correctly. She put up balloons and streamers and baked cupcakes and they sang five rounds of Happy Birthday, one to each of them. For entertainment, the older kids played pin the tail on the donkey and beanbag toss and musical chairs (3 rounds).To allow the older kids to play and simultaneously keep Mallory busy (and from running off with the donkey's tail), she turned on a bubble machine, and she reported back that it did the trick; and after seeing Mallory chase these bubbles around last night, I'm inclined to believe her.

Liam received a bubble machine for his birthday this year, and the first time we set it up we didn't get great results from it, though we may have put el sucko batteries in it (since those tend to be the only kind we can find on a regular basis in the kitchen junk drawer.) We may also have put el sucko solution in it; we usually just leave the bubbles out in the garage, and I swear that they are just like spring plants that have not been hardened off: expose them to some frost and they die right out. We'll pull the bubble machine out again this weekend, top it up with some new solution and batteries, and get it going. I'm sure it will provide hours of entertainment this summer.


Deanna said...

Glad to hear that the kids like the bubble machine! Ryan still loves his and he got it last year!!