Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Injury of the day

I'm thinking that this might become a regular feature here at Too Many Cooks, because I seem to have more than enough material to make it happen. Shortly after I dropped him off at Cindy's this morning, Liam tried to make it across her playroom with a dinky car in each hand. According to Cindy, who makes meticulous notes of the happenings of Liam's days, one dinky was a fire truck with an extended ladder, and in the other hand he had a sports car dinky with a protruding spoiler. You can probably guess what happened next; he fell, and with both hands full, the dinky cars stopped his fall. I believe the forehead scab is from the fire ladder.

This wouldn't be so bad on its own, but right before I picked Liam up last night, he fell and skinned his knee. I had to wash my shirt when I got home last night, as it was a good work shirt and was smeared with blood (thank goodness for that new sump pump!) And, of course, this all comes on the heels of that stripe of bruise on his face finally fading. I just can't keep him injury-free. On the upside, Cindy said Liam stopped crying as soon as he had both dinky cars back in hand. And to make myself feel better, I did a bit of therapeutic shopping last night; Dumbo is out on DVD, and now on its way to our house.

(Also on the upside - Liam has a new word - Up! - said when he wants out of his highchair, or when he is picking himself up and dusting himself off after taking a digger. 2/3 of the way there...)


megan said...

Poor baby Liam. Chad may never leave you with him again:).

Dawn said...

awwww, the poor little man! Must be the red hair that makes them tough! Gavin is COVERED with injuries head to toe and they never phase him! Wait until he gains a love for Band-Aids! He will want them for his imaginary boo-boos too!

Anonymous said...

Do you find yourself wanting to explain to passing strangers that really, you're not beating your child?

I think I'm going to have a tshirt made that says "New walker - look out!"

Carrie said...

Mandy - TOTALLY. I always worry that it makes me look bad! By the way, what are you doing here... isn't it your birthday... shouldn't you be out celebrating!!

The Robiltons said...

The song on the slide show is in the Dumbo movie, isn't it? What song is it, and who is it performed by (I've had a few requests).

Carrie said...

It’s called ‘Baby Mine’ and it’s by Alison Krauss. The song itself is sort of a standard – there’s a Bette Midler version from Beaches, and Kenny Loggins does one too. The song must have been updated for this version of Dumbo, because Alison Krauss is close to my age, but the original movie is circa 1941.