Monday, May 28, 2007

Seven weeks

This one's going to be long on photos and short on words - I just woke up, and the kids are still napping. I have to take advantage while I can and knock some stuff off the to-do list!

This morning I almost made it through the weekly grocery shopping excursion without incident. Same as the last few weeks, Mallory was in the Snugli, Liam in the cart, and the logistics of who was to be moved where when were nailed down. Everything sailed smoothly along until we got to the checkout line, and an elderly couple we'd seen down an aisle earlier were checking out beside us. They finished right around the same time, and came over to ask whether I'd like any help getting my groceries out to the car. Sweet of them, yes, but a big blow to the ego; I thought I'd finally done a good job of looking like I was holding things together pretty well. Apparently I still have that deer-in-the-headlights look about me. Will have to work on that. (I also think it says a lot that these really-very-elderly people keep being the ones to offer assistance. They are a dying breed, the courteous people of this generation, quite literally. I don't think I'd ever have someone of my generation make the same offer.)
The past few nights Mallory had been sleeping really well, only up twice each night and going about six hours as her longest stretch. Last night she regressed a bit and kept me up a lot. Liam had some coughing fits that got him out of bed too, so after the groceries and a good power walk this morning, we were all ready for bed.
Speaking of power walks... although they constitute the vast majority of my exercise these days... I actually made it out to a yoga class yesterday. Go, me! Number of days postpartum w/ Liam before hitting a yoga class: 6. Number of days postpartum w/ Mallory before hitting a class: 35. Some things just ARE harder the second time around.


megan said...

Are those GREEN eyes I see? Maybe not so much Chad after all.

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures of Mallory.