Monday, April 28, 2008

Another one, er, two bite the dust

I have an entire post written in my head about the whole process of Selling a House, and I think I will commit it to the computer soon, before the time has passed and it gets away from me. It’s not the right time to make it public now, though once this is all behind us, the day may come.

However, I can tell you about the showing that is taking place at noon today. There were showings yesterday and Saturday and Friday, so the house is in good shape overall. But as I was running around this morning, wiping down the sinks and picking up the puzzle pieces and making sure there are no fingerprints on the fridge (note to self: am completely out of stainless steel wipes!), I kept hearing voices. The TVs and stereo were off, so it took me a while to figure it out, and then it hit me – it was Elmo’s voice, and it was coming from a little Elmo cell phone of Liam’s.

The thing is, I nearly turned the house upside down trying to find that damn phone, and I couldn’t do it. And I swear the little Elmo inside that phone was throwing his voice, because I kept thinking I was getting warmer, only to realize that I was nowhere close to locating it. The more I searched, the worse the house started to look. Toys strewn everywhere, etc. The exact thing I’ve been nagging the kids about for the past two weeks.

So I eventually gave up, and left for work, and I’m sure the Elmo phone is still talking (though I hadn’t heard it in a while before I left; I did pick up the toy bucket and give it a good shake in the hopes that, if the phone were inside, the other toys would shift off the phone and stop pressing its buttons). I sort of resigned myself to the fact that we might lose this potential buyer to the thought that our house is possessed. And I was OK with that… I mean, I’ve heard worse stories. (Like someone not noticing the dog had pooped on the carpet until AFTER the showing – yikes!) But when I got to work and got a message that we have another showing scheduled for tonight, I started to worry again… I can deal with the thought of maybe losing one buyer, but two does not sound good.

Oh well.
(Thank goodness we are at least going through this at this time of year... because then Chad can haul the kids off to the park while I do the final sweep through the house each time we show it. What on earth do people do when they're trying to sell their house in November??)


Dawn said...

We had that happen with "sing and snore Ernie" when I still lived at home, only it wasn't hidden, it was out plain as day. It would randomly announce "I feel GREAT".........kinda creeped us all out!!!!!!!

Good luck with the house!!