Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This one takes the cake

This is what I found sitting by the back door yesterday, which threw me for a loop. It took a while to figure out what it was doing there - mail is normally delivered to our front door - I suspect it was too large to fit between the screen door and the solid door where our mail is usually left, and so was spirited to the back door for safekeeping. Then it took a bit longer to figure out what it is. Sure enough, the customs declaration tells all - it's a coconut, shipped to Liam directly from my parents in Hawaii (and making it here in just a little more than a week). His name and address are written directly on the side in black magic marker. I know how to get into a coconut from the grocery store, but this one is going to take a little more effort, with the green husk still on it. I may need to tune into Survivor this week to pick up some technique, though we really don't have a machete or protrusion of sharp rocks upon which to bash it anywhere around us. Thanks mom and dad!


Dawn said...

That is classic! How sweet! Do share the coconut cracking photos, I am very impressed that it made it in one 'piece'.

Anonymous said...

Your parents are cool.

I second the request for cracking photos.