Monday, February 26, 2007

1 year, 10 months, 1 week and 3 days

That's exactly how long I lasted as a mom before I was forced to clean up the puke of another human being. I am one of those types who can't even see someone being sick on TV without feeling ill myself, so this was one of the parts of parenthood I was not looking forward to at all. I hate vomit so much that I have my own personal vomit history etched in my mind and can go back years telling you when I was sick and where I was when it happened (once during this pregnancy, after driving home from a night class; about 6 or 8 times while in labour with Liam; once while pregnant with him, also after driving home from a night class, which should have been all I needed to know to not enroll in another night class while pregnant; and before that was December 1999.) I should not have laughed so loud while reading Dawn's story a few weeks ago; I should have realized that I would be next...

Anyway, Liam came home from Cindy's on Friday seeming fine, but without much of an appetite. When he puked more than I thought was humanly possible about an hour later, I realized why. His stomach was plenty full as it was. Our house is 95% hardwood/tile and where do you think he puked? On the carpet, of course. I held it together pretty well as I cleaned up as best I could (wouldn't you know that THAT is when we ran out of paper towels?), soaking and blotting and trying to get rid of all the remnants. For his part, Liam wasn't upset at all. He was mildly distressed that some had splashed onto his hand, but as soon as it was washed off he was raring to go and didn't get sick again. Me, I spent the rest of the weekend out shopping for deodorizing products to take the lingering smell out. Every time we walked in the door this weekend it hit me like a brick wall. I finally got some pet odour eliminator that seems to have done the trick. (Chad saw the bottle and asked why was I using pet odour eliminator, because Liam isn't a pet after all? What I hadn't really realized before is that there is no such thing as human vomit odour eliminator. They count on humans being able to make it to the toilet in time. I guess nobody has ever stopped to consider that one-year-olds don't really have that ability.)

Since it seemed to be a one time thing and Liam was back to normal, I took him to the Early Years Centre on Saturday morning (where, as you can see by the photo above, he spent more time wandering around wondering what to play with than actually playing). However, last night Chad starting puking too, and now I'm sitting at my desk starting to feel nauseous as well. God help us. This is not what I needed this week!!


Dawn said...

Oh Geez, see I told you it was contagious THROUGH the computer!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!! I am sooooo sooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry! White vinegar works to get rid of the smell pretty well! As long as you like the smell of salad dressing in it's place for a day!

Anonymous said...

word to the wise re kids' body fluid cleanup:

use a dust pan and piece of cardboard to get rid of chunks, then press a disposable diaper into the carpet and step on it (they are really absorbant)

Carrie said...

Where were you about 72 hours ago? I could have used that info then!!!!