Thursday, February 15, 2007

Our Valentine's day: a photoessay

Here Liam is, playing with his balloons yesterday morning. He got quite a kick out of them, making it worth the $7 and the half hour it took to get them done at the dollar store. Unfortunately, Captain took a liking to them too, and we were woken up a couple of times the night before by the sound of him jumping around and batting at them. (It could have been worse; at first we thought he tipped over my orchid.) After so much disrupted sleep, I almost didn't even crack an eyelid when Liam woke up yesterday morning yelling "I'm stuck! I'm stuck!" Turns out he'd somehow slid down between his bed and the wall. Goofball.

Here he is last night, taking stock of all the loot he acquired. I thought it was cute to give out a little package of candy, but I had no idea that EVERYONE does this now. So he came home from Cindy's with 3 treat bags and we found a 4th at the front door when we got home (thanks, Evelyn and Audrey!) Cindy said the kids loved the Valentines Liam handed out, but not for the reason I thought (i.e. the candy) - instead, they thought it was cool that they had Liam's photo on them. I thought that was funny. If I was a kid I would be all over the candy and not give a darn what it looked like.

And here he is after dinner last night, having just mowed down 4 huge chocolate covered strawberries and a couple of Hershey Kisses. (Pardon the major hat head: we have a haircut on the agenda for tomorrow.) He looks happy, right? Well, getting his pajamas on last night resulted in the biggest temper tantrum we have seen to date, and he didn't go to bed until after 9 p.m. Then he was up once in the middle of the night and up early again this morning. I don't know if it was the excitement, the sugar, or what (and Cindy's report from yesterday failed to detail how long he napped for; maybe he didn't even nap at all). He knew he was driving me crazy, too. As I was trying to get him to sleep he looked over at me out of the corner of his eye and started reciting: "Monday... Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday..." When I obviously looked pleased with what he was saying, he finished off by telling me where he'd picked this up. "Cindy's house," of course. I feel bad now for not knowing that he knows the days of the week, and for never even thinking of trying to teach them to him myself.
In this shot he has either a strawberry or a Hershey's Kiss tucked away in his cheek like a squirrel. To finish summarizing our day, Chad did indeed break our no-gift Valentine's Day pact and he got me a new hard drive for the computer. Things have been running awfully slowly lately, and I think it's all my photos and digital design kits bogging things down. I had hoped to hook it up and transfer most of my crap over last night, but with Liam going to bed so late, it was all I could do to keep my eyes open for Lost. For Christmas Chad got a new HD tv, and part of the deal included a DVR box. It pays for itself on nights like last night, when we could record the show and then dive into it the second Liam's head hit the pillow. My thinking cap is now on for Chad's birthday, which will be here in about six weeks. I think I owe him now.