Monday, February 12, 2007

34 weeks

Today is a classic example of why I am so excited that there are only three weeks left! (Well, 3.5, to be technical.) Mad rush out the door, crazy day at the office, etc. Remind me of today and days like it when I have two screaming kiddos on my hands and can't get either one of them to stop crying, OK? Hopefully that will put it all into perspective for me.


megan said...

I look more pregnant then you do in that picture. No one likes you, I hope you realize that ;)

Dawn said...

okay Megan, I just peed myself reading your comment! no joke!

And yes, Carrie, you are too cute and petite for 34 weeks!!!!!

The little one is going to be a peanut!

megan said...

No Dawn, that's the problem. The baby will be a perfectly healthy 7.8 or 8.2 or something like that. Then Carrie will show up at yoga class three days later with no belly and go home and put on her skinny jeans. It's a good thing she's nice because really, who wants to be friends with someone like that?

Carrie said...

First of all, the front shot is a LOT more flattering than the profile right now. This picture is deceiving!

Second, Megan, you know you can down dog the pants off me right now. You would not be able to stop laughing if you saw me trying to do that half moon thing from the new release. It is embarrassing!

Anonymous said...

I thought the idea behind these pictures was to SHOW your belly, not hide it! You're pregnant, show it and be proud (you know it will be gone in 1.5 months anyways...)