Tuesday, February 06, 2007

In response to an email from my sister today asking "How's it going?"

Ok. All 3 of us are sick. I have a cough and cold medicine for Liam that seems to make him feel a lot better, but it literally makes him pass out about 30 minutes after he takes it – you can set your watch by it. Last night that just so happened to be when he was trying to make it down the stairs (unbeknownst to either Chad or I) and he fell. So there he is with a big goose egg on his forehead, and I’m worried that he could have a concussion, and he’s starting to pass out from the cold medicine – or is he starting to pass out from the head injury? We don’t know. We also don’t know exactly how many steps he fell down, so we don’t know if this is just a bump or if this is a headfirst-down-an-entire-staircase sort of thing. We ask him where he hurts, and he keeps pointing to his knee (where 95% of his boo boos occur), but there’s no mark on his leg and yet there’s a huge red patch/carpet burn/instant bruise on his forehead. So now I’m thinking his brain isn’t even functioning properly because of the spill. And I consider taking him to the emergency room, but it’s like -25 outside and the hospital is packed with sick germy people and the waiting time in the ER is horrendous. Instead, I spent several hours last night lying in bed beside him to ensure his breathing didn’t change, then was up every couple of hours after that to make sure he was still breathing. This morning the bruise is virtually gone and he’s fine, thank goodness, but it was a long night.

ETA: This comes from an email Chad sent me, presumably after reading today's entry: You forgot the funniest part, when you were asking where he hurt and he pointed to his knee, ha-ha but then you tried a different angle when you asked where did you fall [meaning on what part of his body did he fall], and he said "down the stairs".


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're all sick and those bumps to the head can be very scary.

My pedi has suggested in those instances you can look at their pupils to see quickly that they respond to a quick flash from a flashlight passing past their eyes - if both pupils get smaller in response to the light, then return to normal at about the same time then likely things are good.

The Robiltons said...

so what's your verdict on the new "season" of Lost?

Carrie said...

I know - can you believe we've been waiting for this for 4 months, and I haven't even mentioned it yet?

Definitely the best episode of the season so far. However, given the last few episodes... that's not saying much. I thought it was good without being great - but to be great now, I want to see stuff with the same Wow! factor as an uninhabited island that has a hatch on it, and a guy living in the hatch that Jack just happens to know, and numbers on the Hatch that parallel aspects of everyone's lives in some way... you know? And I wouldn't be surprised if there's not a lot more of that coming in this series. I did like the guy getting hit by the bus. And I think the fact that Juliet is a relatively new Other is paving the way for there to be two groups of Others. i.e. the guys we know as the bad guys now, will really turn out to be good guys, and join with the Losties to fight off the actual bad Others. (You know how Ben keeps saying, "We're not the bad guys, Jack." ... it's all starting to come together). Anyway, I'm just glad it's back on. Next week has more to do with Desmond and Penelope, and hopefully, the whole issue of those scientists who registered the blip on the map when the hatch blew up. I am looking forward to that.