Friday, April 11, 2008

Liam's turn

Little Miss has been the centre of attention around here lately, but she is not the only one with an April birthday. Liam's birthday is this weekend and if I thought I felt old with my baby turning 1, I really feel old with an almost-3-year-old running around. I still remember (vaguely) not having any kids at all, so to think that 9 months + 3 years has passed since then... it's hard to get over.

Liam, of course, wanted a Spider Man birthday this year. Chad did try a bit to talk him into Diego, but Liam was adamant (and I don't think they have yet licenced the full line of Diego partyware, anyway, so it would be a good theme to keep for future years when that stuff all comes out!) We decided to do a 'friends' party rather than a 'family' party to avoid having our out-of-town families have to come to us two weeks in a row. (In the future, I think we'll do a joint family birthday for both kids, but for Mallory's first I wanted to do, well, Mallory's first.) So we invited a group of our little 3-year-old (and a couple of 4-year-old) friends. And we decided not to do it at our house because we thought we'd have all the touch-up painting done by now (though we don't). I am really looking forward to having a nice little party without any of the hassle of cleaning up both before and after it, not to mention not being stuck in the kitchen making food. I hear the location we're having the party can be a little lackadaisical, but as long as the kids get fed and have fun, I am OK with that.We got started with the celebrations early, by going to Gramma and Grampa's for Liam's birthday dinner last night. Gramma and Grampa picked him up from Cindy's house (I had to take Mallory for her shots; she screamed like a banshee; hijack over.) He was then treated to homemade chicken fingers and fries along with his favourite veggie-and-dip platter, a big chocolate cupcake with candles, and a Diego scooter (and accompanying helmet) wrapped in a Diego gift bag with a Diego card. He was doing well on the scooter indoors, so I can hardly wait for a nice day to get him outside and on the sidewalk, though from the looks of things out the window, it will be the middle of next week before that happens. :(


Dawn said...

Happy Birthday Liam! Hope you get those Spiderman Crocs you have had your little eyes on! :o)