Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Early morning battle of the wills

It's ironic that the photo I chose to upload last night to go with a post for today is this one of Mallory eating a bowl of cereal, happily and without complaint. This morning we had quite the run in with Liam and getting him to eat. He wanted a bowl of Cheerios with blueberries on top. We had the Cheerios - did not have any blueberries left. We offered him sliced banana, raisins, apple if he so desired - every other kind of fruit we had - no dice. He sat there and sat there, whining and crying and saying he wanted something on his cereal but refusing to say what. This is a personality quirk of his - he will have something very specific in mind, but refuse to outright ask for it - instead letting us play 20 Questions and try to figure it out. We spent a very long time asking, coaxing, begging, pleading, yelling - the works. Finally, I scooped him off his stool, told him he was too late to eat breakfast and that I was going to dump his cereal in the garbage and take him upstairs to brush his teeth (at this point thinking I'd need to pack a baggie of dry cereal for him to take to Cindy's so that at least he wouldn't be too hungry). That must have knocked some sense into him, because he suddenly promised to behave and eat it, climbed back up on the stool, and inhaled the whole bowl - without whatever accompaniment it was that he was waiting for - in the five minutes I told him that he had left. I still don't know what he was holding out for on his cereal, and I probably never will. He's an enigma like that.

This does nothing for my worries about him going to school and refusing to tell the teacher when he needs something...