Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today, we registered Liam for school. Which really turned out to be a non-event. Class was in session, so we weren't allowed to go poke around the kindergarten room; we go back for an orientation day in May for that. We did get to check out the gym and the library, and Liam seemed excited by it overall, so I'm glad we brought him along. It was worth the hassle of having to sneak him out of Cindy's without letting Mallory see him leave, or see me, for that matter. We took him out for lunch before taking him back to Cindy's again - so all in all, a fun excursion.

Things at work have been pretty hectic lately, which explains the lack of regular posting. It's winter and we're moving a lot of gas - that's life in a nutshell. Actually, work is a little anxious-making for me right now. In addition to nonstop daily operational concerns, and a whole lot of politics that I try to stay out of but which affect me nonetheless, I have some worries about my big project for the year - which was green-lighted and funded, though only at about 80% of what we asked for. It kind of got hustled through the approval process with the powers that be saying not to worry about the funding shortfall, but I have some concerns that when we blow past the budget by third quarter, I'm the one who's going to look bad. Also, it's a really complex and difficult project... last year's project (which was a knock-it-out-of-the-park success) was a cakewalk by comparison. Without being too much of a pessimist, I am trying to let it be known that this one is not going to come quite so easily. We shall see.

On top of that, within the past week I have booked three photo sessions for the month of February... two of them involving twins! Wish me luck... I will definitely be needing it.