Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jonah's baptism

So... is it hot enough for you?? In addition to the joy of melting at home (despite the air conditioning) and swimming in a pool that is no longer refreshing because it seems to have turned into a bathtub, it's so warm, work has been a paradise on account of the heat, too. There's nothing quite like half a continent of people firing up their air conditioners simultaneously to put a smile on my professional face. NOT.I digress. On the weekend we went to see baby Jonah get baptised. Liam was actually invited to his good friend's birthday party at the same time, and the sweetheart wanted to go to the baptism instead. He and Mallory certainly get a kick out of their cousins. And hey, Mallory didn't pee on the rug this time!

Plus, we got a pretty good family picture out of the deal, too. A few more photos on Flickr.


Dawn said...

oh my gosh, Jonah so looks like Ethan!! Great family pic! love mallory's dress!

jenn said... the pictures! Thank you! (I just saw the email now as well...really need to check more!) SO glad you guys were there