Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter musings

White chocolate Reese eggs are nowhere near as good as the originals.

That said, it hasn't stopped me from eating them.

This much sugar cannot possibly be good for anyone.

This much sugar will surely lead to a 9+ pound baby. That in itself should be incentive enough to stop.

I'm studying (supposedly) for my International Business exam right now. But of course, I would rather play on the internet, clean the house, do ANYTHING BUT. I remember this feeling well from my time in Kingston - at this particular time of year - it's finally warm out, and still light out, and everyone's outside throwing frisbees or baseballs or whatever they happen to have handy - there's a lot of time put into Christmas exams, but a lot of winging it happens with spring exams.

My professor for this course seems to be a huge slacker - there were six assignments for the class, all of which have been submitted, and we haven't received grades back on any of them. I don't know if I'm headed into the final with 0 or 100. I'm hoping he'll give me a good mark just for showing up to write it. He seems like the sort who would do that.