Monday, April 04, 2005

Joke's on you, Tomo

So my coworker Tomo, the same one who wrapped our boss's office in foil, is a new father again. Daughter #3 was born on Friday, April Fool's Day.

Tomo's wife Gina was officially due the week before I was officially due, and she had the baby three days ago.

This is quite disconcerting to me. After the initial Dr.-Bailey-predicting-an-early-delivery shock, I figured she would probably be wrong (and when we met with Lisa, our doula, that same night, she told me she thought that Dr. Bailey would be wrong also, for Murphy's Law if for no other reason), and so I'm still working with a due date of the 16th in my mind (but have packed the hospital bag a little more, just in case.) Chad is still working with the 14th in his mind, which is the date that will win us the Sears coupon lotto if Junior(ette) is born then. (Wishful thinking more than anything else.)

But, if Gina can be early, then so can anyone, right? And while this is #3 for her, she carried this baby longer than her two previous children - they both came even earlier than a week before her due date.

I am starting to worry that I should carry a sheet of plastic to sit on at all times. Because it could literally be any minute now.