Thursday, April 07, 2005

Let the games begin

Last night I started having contractions.

Just a mild cramp here and there - but sure enough, they were ten minutes apart for a couple of hours. Definitely not enough to really hurt, or long or close together enough to consider it the real thing, but contractions nonetheless.

After the first hour or so I mentioned it to Chad - told him I didn't think anything would come of it, but just FYI, they're here.

A few minutes later I heard some commotion in the other room and went to check it out. Chad was wrestling with the high chair, trying to assemble it. (It hadn't been out of the box up until this point.) I said to him, you do realize that the baby won't be using the highchair until they're six months old... even if I go into labour tonight, we really don't NEED that. He said, yeah, I know... I just want to do it. It's funny... most people think Chad walks around without a hint of emotion... and I think he's one of the most transparent people I know.

Anyway, the contractions ended after a couple of hours, but I woke up a couple of times during the night with a big one. Not big big, but big enough to wake me. Both times I lay there waiting for the next one, preparing to time them if need be, but they never became regular and I went back to sleep.

This morning I have been crampy all morning. Not distinct contractions, but one non-stop cramp. Hopefully this means that something is up. Chad and I drove in to work separately just in case I need to leave. Tomo is back in the office today, complete with the story of his daughter's unanticipated birth in Toronto. Tomorrow will be my last day in the office. It's all coming together in a very surreal way. I hope it's soon.