Thursday, February 01, 2007

Just like in my dreams

I have this picture in my mind of what Little Miss is going to look like. Basically, it consists of Liam with long hair. More delicate features maybe, but essentially the same big brown eyes, rosebud lips and curly red hair. I know siblings can look radically different - Dawn, this especially makes me think of you! - but with Liam as all I've ever known to be the product of Chad's genes and mine, this is what I've come up with. Also, Chad and I look alike in a lot of ways. We don't have radically different hair and eye colours and complexions, and Liam really does look a lot like both of us; so I can't imagine a scenario where one sibling takes after one parent and the other takes after the other, dividing the family neatly down the middle. I think we are all going to wind up looking more or less the same.

The other day I picked up a new magazine and found this ad. It literally took my breath away. This is exactly the little girl I have in my mind. She reminds me so much of Liam when he was younger: Now that I see that this child already exists, I realize that Little Miss has to look different. No two are alike, right? Still, I can't stop flipping back to this page in the magazine. It's my first glimpse of this new little person we are all waiting for. I can't wait to see her in person.


megan said...

She is so cute! I think I have that dress packed away somewhere and you are welcome to it! It really is weird how much she looks like liam.

Dawn said...

Oh my gosh, that is so an estrogen infused Liam!
If I didn't birth my two, I would never believe they were brothers!! I always get the whole, "Noah looks just like you, Gavin looks just like Eric" thing! Oh, which is always followed by, "where did the red hair come from" since neither of us are redheads........but many in our extended family are. Genetics work in mysterious ways!