Monday, February 15, 2010

Sledding and snowballs

On Saturday we hosted a bit of an impromptu sledding event. We got some snow last week and knew we were heading out, and some friends came over to join us.
We had actually lost a lot of the snow that originally fell, but there was enough to get by on. We went out again the following day but that was really pushing it - by then we probably had just as much grass as snow.
For Saturday though, it was fine. The kids had a great time zipping down our (small) hill. The great part about a small hill though is that the climb back up isn't all that daunting.
Mallory is nowhere to be seen in these pictures because she decided she was better off doing her 'work' (clearing snow from the bushes and trees) than sledding. To each their own, I suppose.Toward the end, things dissolved into a bit of a snowball fight. Here's Mallory, who has suddenly gotten back into the action, about to launch one squarely at me. Note the arsenal of weapons that's been assembled in the lower right corner of the frame.When we'd had enough of the great outdoors, we headed inside for hot chocolate and treats which were kindly supplied by our friends. They might have noticed that I wasn't really expecting indoor guests, as evidenced by the kitchen floor and bathrooms, neither of which had been cleaned in a week. I know this sounds backwards because I did say we'd have hot chocolate afterwards. I guess I just didn't put 2+2 together and clean the house. (Or... maybe I did... and just didn't like that prospect!)
I'm glad they came in though - we warmed up in front of the Olympics, and Evelyn and Audrey played a round of Candy Land with Mallory, which gave us a bit of a break from it!


megan said...

Internet, do not let Carrie fool you. If only my floors were as clean as her's on my best day.

Thanks for having us. We all had a blast!