Thursday, September 13, 2007

Little Miss Shrimp

Earlier this week, I took Mallory to a weigh in clinic to record her five-month-old weight for posterity. She clocked in at 13 lbs 15 oz. This came as quite a surprise, because last month, she was 13 lbs 13 oz and the month before that, 12 lbs 12 oz... that is to say, she had been gaining a pound a month, more or less, and then this month - nothing.

That timing lines up awfully coincidentally with her terrible nighttime wakeups - i.e. it was about a month ago that she went from waking up once a night to three or four times. She doesn't appear to be starving, and she only nurses for a few minutes (maybe 10) before falling back asleep, but still... hmmm.

I don't really think there's anything to worry about, since she seems happy and thriving and all that good stuff, but this definitely makes me glad that we have started her on solids. Although I haven't really had any more rest than normal this week, I'm hoping that filling that tummy of hers up will help her to make it through the night one of these days. Last night she did not eat much at dinnertime and I would have given her another go with the cereal at bedtime, if only we hadn't just given her a bath; it's the whole cart-before-the-horse thing. Eating desposits food into every nook and cranny on her body.