Saturday, September 08, 2007

The next part of the story

Yes, that's us standing in a field of weeds today, but one year from now those trees behind us will be the view from our kitchen and breakfast nook windows. Many more details likely to follow over the coming months!


megan said...

Welcome to the south side, you will love it here!

Dawn said...

YAY! How exciting! Can't wait to follow your progress!

Kelly said...

I'm confused. Did I miss the first part of the story? A few posts ago you were talking about the wonderful location of your house & now you are planning to move? I say congrats to that, but I obviously missed the progression to that decision.

Carrie said...

I know... I'm a hypocrite, right? :)

We live in a great neighbourhood to be in while home with little kids. Lots of life experiences within close walking distance (the bank, the post office...) But there are a number of reasons for the move. Number one is simply more space - including the conveniences of modern living - I love my plaster cove ceilings, but am now ready to trade them in for a mudroom!! We're also moving to the south side to get into the school district we want. The green belt is a gorgeous location to be at, but I readily admit - we are giving up a great neighbourhood by moving to 'suburbia'! Still very much looking forward to it though. :)