Thursday, September 20, 2007

Super pooper

(You know what I always say... you can't read a baby blog and not expect talk of poop from time to time, can you?)

Mallory has always had what I can only describe as a lazy bowel. Her record is nine days without pooping. She's not backed up, mind you; just infrequent. But it doesn't bother her, and as for us, well, we're not about to complain about only having to change a dirty diaper once a week. At least, not back in the good old days...

You'd think, having started her on solids two weeks ago, that this would have changed. Not so. She pooped once, just a few days after the solids started; and then nothing. If she was still exclusively breastfed, this wouldn't worry me, but as we've been pumping cereal into her day after day, I was starting to worry that maybe her small intestine is really not connected properly and maybe her legs are filling up with, well, crap.
Ah, but no need to worry. On this week's trip to the grocery store, some butternut squash caught my eye, and last night I steamed it up and threw it in the blender and fed it to her (freezing the rest for later in the week). Within half an hour she needed a diaper change. I imagined that the squash had done the job, but wasn't really aware of the extent to which it was working until this morning, when she woke up early, and I went into her room and peeked into her crib only to find... a god-awful mess. Enough said, right? Anyway, methinks I won't be so cavalier about leaving the house without the diaper bag anymore...


Dawn said...

OY! Thanks for not sharing the crib photo! I LOVE butternut squash!