Thursday, February 17, 2011

The 100-day cold

That is what I heard someone call it last night, and that pretty much says it all. I am currently on day 60 or so of the 100-day cold. On Saturday morning I woke up feeling not too heinous, so I went out for my long run - only a few weeks until race day. I came home utterly exhausted, and managed to hang on long enough to get out to Liam’s hockey game later that afternoon. Then we came home from the game and I went straight to bed and didn’t get up until the following morning.

This week I have had a weird light-headed feeling, kind of a dizziness or mild vertigo that comes and goes. I'm hoping it's an inner ear thing (which might make sense, given the sinus problems I've been having that have also led to a toothache - weird how that happens) and not a brain tumour. Time will tell.

The kids are still feeling it, too. This is the scene in our house pretty much every night after we get home:
Actually, I think I took this picture while we were supposed to be Skyping with my parents, who are back in Maui. They were looking forward to seeing the grandkids but I couldn't bear to wake them up when I knew exactly how awful they were feeling.Most of this snow is gone now as we are in the midst of an early spring thaw, which sounds lovely, but has made work extra busy. There's nothing like being caught by warm weather when it's supposed to be cold to turn the world upside down! We are very much looking forward to a long weekend this weekend. Mallory has a birthday party to go to, and she was invited to wear her favourite princess dress or ballerina tutu. At first she was insisting on the Cinderella dress, even though I was pushing the tutu. Now she wants me to decide for her, just when I'd decided to let go of the battle. I just want her to wear something that makes her happy.The cat has taken to running and hiding under Liam’s bed whenever I am around, no doubt the result of three consecutive months of shoving pills down his throat. Liam got his mid-year report card and is doing awesome. Mrs. Garrow commented (in a good way!) on his ability to make friends. He has suddenly decided to invite four boys from his class to his birthday party, and I will do what I can to help him foster those relationships. We went to see an exotic snake show at the mall last weekend, and Liam got to pet an anaconda, which made his day. Mallory was over-the-top thrilled to give Nicky his real Valentine on Valentine’s Day, but she is now quite sad as he is heading off on vacation and she won’t see him for another month. Her dance class is doing a routine to “Once Upon a Dream” from Sleeping Beauty for their recital, and she couldn’t be happier about it. I ordered two dresses from ModCloth and two from Lands End last week and was heartbroken that not a single one covered my bum – I guess I will stick to Tall Girl from here on out. And that's what's new with the Cook Family these days. Pretty exciting stuff, huh?