Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The most well-organized five-year-old you will ever meet

Crack-me-up moment number 1: at the beginning of January, Liam set about a project with no provoking from us. He made an extensive set of puppets, shown below. There are puppets representing the four of us, Gramma and Grampa Cook, and Darin, Jenn and Ethan. There is also a puppet for Grampa's truck 'before the bear attack' and one for Grampa's truck 'after the bear attack' (including a big rip in the bed cover). Liam proceeded to put on a puppet show for us depicting our camping trip, complete with the bear incident. He used his moose pencil, stuffed bear, and the campfire from an old Little People set as props. It was quite a production and I think it could give a Broadway show a run for its money.Crack-me-up moment number two: after running encore performances of this show a few times over the past several weeks, Liam went rummaging in the drawer where we keep the tinfoil and Saran Wrap and came up with this - seems that he wanted to keep his puppet collection organized:Crack-me-up moment number three: he wrote 'Algonquin' all by himself. (He also made himself a set of Christmas-themed puppets, with Santa and Rudolph, so he has to keep them separated - duh.) I had no idea how he knew how to spell it. I had to ask. And so he went and brought this to me: He is one smart Cookie.


dad said...

Sounds more & more like his mother every day.....