Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A post that's not for the weak of stomach

The post title should warn you of what’s ahead; I’m not kidding, if you don’t want to hear talk of poop, look away now. You can’t very well expect to come to a baby blog day after day and not get into this kind of stuff now, can you?

Up until now, Liam has been an easy-going kid in pretty much all areas of life, which extends to diapering. He has never been bothered by a dirty diaper. Ever. We change him because we deem it to be in his best interest, rather than him deeming it to be so, or because he becomes offensive to us. At least, this was the case until last week, when the situation turned on a dime (as it often seems to do). One day we were playing in the basement when suddenly Liam took off running for the stairs, crawled up both flights lickety-split, and then started clambering around the change table, too. I hoisted him up and changed his diaper – lo and behold, he was due for a change. This has been repeated several times in the last few days. It seems he has finally come to find having something – dare I say it? - squishy in his pants undesirable.

I take this as a good sign, because I know boys are supposed to be a lot harder to toilet train than girls, and I had pretty much resigned myself to merely hoping to have him trained by the age of 4 or 5 in time for school (reach for those stars, right?) Now, with what seems to be the first step in the process under out belts, I think it will still be at least another 18 months or so – but there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Considering that we’ll have another one in diapers in a few short months, this is a welcome turn of events.


megan said...

You will be so surprised at how big Liam's butt will look once you start changing the new baby. I was so warned but dismissed this information as so much nonsence, just wait!