Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happening right now, even as I type

Liam is taking his first nap in the big-boy bed. (First intentional nap; he inadvertently fell asleep there once before, and then nearly fell out upon waking with a start, so he'd been banned from sleeping there in the meantime until I could mooch a bed rail off Megan and install it today.) If all goes well then we will try a few more nap test runs and then start moving him over at night also, and if that goes well, then it's bye-bye nursery for Liam... which will be my chance to girlie it up a bit. You know Chad will love that. :)

(Liam is sleeping on top of the quilt and underneath a duvet, which he seems to love. I might need to find a matching duvet cover and make it part of the permanent deal.)


Anonymous said...

Am I in denial? Our kiddos are the same age and I'm freaking out about the idea of moving Emily to a real bed. LOL I don't want to lose the benefits to having her in a crib, I suppose, though I know our time is becoming limited...especially when I see she's starting to run out of room.

Dawn said...

I am dying over here to see his new room!!!!!!!!!!

Carrie said...

The nap backfired on me today, so don't worry Mandy... if anything, I'm worried that we're rushing the process. If I didn't need the crib for a new tenant, I would not be attempting the switch this soon!

Photos will come, but right now it's just a blue room with a bed... we need to get some more of his 'stuff' in there. Hopefully soon!