Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer (almost) lovin'

The past week or two has been a flurry of activity around here, and I am still trying to catch up. I had to laugh today when Chad said, "There's all this stuff going on in our lives, and all you have on your blog is Marilyn Manson Lost picture. What's going on?" Since I've already established that I loved the finale and I am not mourning in bed because it disappointed me... my excuse is just that things are hectic. We've spent the majority of our free time out of town lately. And the weekend that I came home from my business trip, I shot two sessions back to back, and editing them is consuming a lot of my time right now. (Note to self: in the future, space things out more!) I am even a few weeks behind in editing my own photos (including Liam's birthday pics that I finally fit in; hooray!) I used the proceeds of those jobs to finally buy my long-lusted-after full version of Photoshop, and all I have to say is: holy learning curve. I have given up the idea of using it to edit these two sessions (heck, I have given up the idea of using it to go back and re-edit some of my older stuff that I was originally keen to tinker with!) Just trying to keep up with the here and now.

We have been spending a lot of time outdoors lately, and not so much plugged into the computer... and it's a good thing. I will be back (with a big backlog!) soon.