Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Liam has been pulling himself up for several weeks now, but lately it's taken off with a vengeance. And yesterday morning, for the first time, after a long and mysteriously silent nap, I peeked into his room to see what was going on; only to find him standing in his crib and grinning at me from ear to ear.

Unfortunately for me, it only took him a couple more hours to figure out that not only can he pull himself up after his nap; but he can do it before his nap too, in order to fend off said nap. It used to be that he would roll over and go to sleep as soon as he was in his crib, from sheer boredom if nothing else. Now, he knows how to work the system. This sucks. Would you believe it was just a couple of days ago that we were using his crib to help him practise this feat (all those nifty bars to grab hold of!), and now it's coming back to bite me in the rear.

So yesterday afternoon, after putting him down to sleep, he seemed to quieten down awfully quickly; I peeked in on him, and this is what I saw:
At that point he didn't realize that I was there, but he caught me after the first click of the shutter:
And then, because he is just so darn proud of himself for being able to do this (which, I have to admit, I think is awfully cute), he started hamming it up for me:

Which might be cute here, but let me tell you, after a two hour struggle to put him to bed yesterday afternoon... not so much.


Anonymous said...

He sure doesn't look tired in these pitures. Hope he's not outgrowing one of his naps already.

Anonymous said...

This is only the beginning Carrie your life will never be the same when he gets more mobile.

megan said...


Didn't I tell you not to teach him to walk? Now heed my warning, stop with the talking. It will only make you misserable. Sure it's sweet when they say "Mommy" and "I love you" but before long it's all MINE and NO!!!!!
Just you wait.
BTW Now I am sick and I am blaming Chad

Carrie said...

No fair blaming Chad - we gave you warning that our house was some sort of bird flu zone before you brought the kiddos (who I am assuming are carriers) over!!... Still up for a road trip on Friday tho??

Anonymous said...

The good news is, some of the novelty wears off after a bit. The bad news? They learn a new trick and the novelty begins again. If the crib mattress goes any lower, now's the time. (Can't tell from the pics)

Emily's cruising the furniture and crawling to get to other things to hold onto ...pulling up on EVERYTHING, including the cats.