Monday, February 06, 2006

When mom gets sick

When mom gets sick, things fall apart. This is the first time that I've been sick since having Liam, and I am discovering just how difficult it is trying to take care of a little one when all you want to do is lie down on the couch and moan and drink ginger ale. This photo was taken last Thursday or Friday, on the first day I felt bad - I had tried to keep Liam from tearing the place apart a couple of times, intending to vacuum, and finally I just gave up and let him have at it, because he was happily occupied and it let me do the aforementioned lying on the couch and moaning with a can of ginger ale. The vacuuming has not been done yet; it's on the agenda for today, the first day that I have felt even vaguely human since last week. I also hope to tidy up and cook a real dinner and catch up on my reading, all things that have been put on hold as well. As for Liam, he has had a runny nose for a couple of days now, but is in good spirits so must be nowhere near as sick as I have been. We will stay indoors today to try to recover a little more (and also because I have not scraped off my car or shovelled the driveway since getting all that snow this weekend, and I don't intend to attempt either feat today).


megan said...

Just wait until you realize that your child(ren) has watched 5 hours straight of TV, while you were barley able to muster up the strength to unwrap a couple of cheese slices at an attempt to provide lunch. Parenting guilt at it's best.

PS. my house looks like that ALL the time!
Hope you're feeling better