Thursday, December 14, 2006


This is week #26 of having Little Miss on board, which means that if we were to flash back to the same point in time with Liam, the coming weekend would mark the first in a weekly series of maternity photos I eventually wound up taking. Since this was in my pre-knowing anything about photography days, I had originally thought I would go somewhere to have a *real* photographer do them. (Finding someone around here to do what I had in mind was going to be another task entirely; the only place I could find locally that said they’d do maternity photos had a big white muumuu nightgown that they had everyone wear for the occasion… which pretty much sent up the warning flag). I set my own camera up just to do some test shots, and then the first batch turned out pretty well. I didn’t intend for it to become a weekly thing; I thought I was going to wait another couple of months and just do one session at that time. But I had some time the following weekend so the camera came out again… and I enjoyed the practice… and, well, the rest is history.

This time around is a little bit different. For one thing, I don’t have hours of free time every week to do this. The setting up of the backdrop, camera, tripod… it all seems a little daunting to keep that up right now. I also feel like I am out of ideas for doing something fresh each time; let’s see, 14 weeks, 14 different poses or ideas… are you kidding me? Thirdly, I am also feeling a little less than photogenic these days. It was one thing to do portraits when I was faithfully attending six classes at the gym each week and running in between. These days my exercise consists mostly of hoisting Liam on and off the change table, and in and out of the car. It would be lovely if there were more hours in the day, but as it is…

So. The pressure is on. Do I keep things up come hell or high water to lessen the impact of Number Two Syndrome on Little Miss (you know, how I will never have as much time for her as I did for Liam, or go to the same lengths), or do I cut myself some slack and abandon the idea? Right now, I don’t know. I do know, looking at this photo from the other day, that I am long overdue for some highlights… which might be something to keep in mind if I am going to be in front of the camera in the foreseeable future.


megan said...

You already know how I feel about this but you seem to be asking for oppinions. I, as the second child in the family and the girl who came after the boy know how it felt growing up. My parents apparently had less time, money, blah, blah, blah so there are no pictures of me as a baby and none of me alone until I am around 12 (which my friends and I took with my disk camera, remember those?). So I say, suck it up, leave the back drop set up and do all the same poses. Your little girl WILL care if it looks like you loved Liam more then her and she won't give a crap that you were too busy. Take it from me and save yourself the hassle when she is 13 and looking for reasons to hate you.

Dawn said...

Oh Megan, I think I just doused my laptop with about a cup of sad. :o( I am so sorry...

Carrie, YES do it. Please do it. I SO regret that I didn't do maternity portraits with either boy. I have some 'shots' but not the creative, time lapse ones like you have with Liam en-womb. Do it. We will all offer up ideas to help you pull through the 14 weeks. And if you skip one here or there she will at least know the effort was there.......though I think YOU will always appreciate them more than she will.

Anonymous said...

Do it, seriously.

Keep in mind too that you can borrow some of the same poses you used when pregnant with Liam, so it's not as if you have to come up with 14 completely different poses!!

What a lovely thing to have to look back on. I don't think any woman looks back and thinks "I wish I had fewer pictures of me when I was pregnant."