Thursday, November 03, 2005

The monkey walk

This is the nightly trip that Chad takes Liam on, from the nursery to his bath. He walks him there. Liam dangles from Chad's fingertips, hops from one foot to the other, and steps on his own toes, at one moment supporting his full weight and at another collapsing to his knees. It's a 12-foot walk down the hall that can sometimes take forever, but my favourite nights are those that it does, because I love to watch it so much.


megan said...

That has to be the cutest thing I have ever seen. If I were still in university (well I guess I still am, but you know what I mean) I would buy a poster of that and hang it on my dorm room wall.

Gillian said...

Carrie, I am just as addicted to your blog as I am to Megan's!

Liam is just adorable! I am close to tears some days when a photo of Liam reminds me of our son Michael when he was little. (Don't worry, though...this is a good thing).

Even though I only 'know' you through the blog as a friend of Megan's...I am glad of that!

Would you mind if I added your blog link to my blog?

Carrie said...

No problem Gillian!... and I know Megan sent me your email address once before, but I misplaced it... I will ask her for it again and give you that info you were asking about. Sorry it's taken so long!