Monday, November 21, 2005

Space heater to the rescue!...

...because it allows Naked Playtime to continue into the winter months.

Liam was up for a solid two-hour block last night. If it's not the teeth then I'm losing my mind. Crying, chewing his fingers/my shoulder/whatever he could find (eventually I got a teething ring out of the fridge, which helped), and the Baby Orajel seemed to help. In addition to the red cheeks, he has developed a little cough over the last few days, which is also a teething symptom (because of the drool). This may be the last gummy smile photo I get to take...

We don't have a lot on the agenda today... we might get a call from Autum this afternoon... otherwise we are going to take it easy (after a crazy weekend of fixing the place up) and get some rest.


megan said...

Any day now!

Anonymous said...