Thursday, July 21, 2005

Pointing It Down

...seems to have done the trick for us. We had a dry crib this morning! It seems that Chad did not know the importance of this little tidbit o' info. Now that he's fallen into line I'm hoping not to have any more wetting through. We'll still use the disposable diapers til the growth spurt is over. Liam was up to eat 4 times last night (and then decided to get up for the day at 5:45 a.m. - how does this guy function???)

Another recent development around here is the discovery of two little baby teeth sitting under the gum on Liam's lower jaw. I know they could still be months and months away from breaking through, but man, did this shock me. Teeth already? He's still just a little baby! (Well, little here is being used in a relative sense.) I refuse to believe that he's teething yet, but it could explain some strange stuff that goes on around here. Such as the copious drool. The wild attempts to stuff BOTH fists into his mouth at the same time. And, here's what a normal child looks like when playing in an exersaucer:

But here's what mine looks like:

Yes, that's my child trying to fit an exersaucer in his mouth. Most kids use the exersaucer to strengthen their legs and perfect their balance, but mine uses his to munch on. Note that it's an old fashioned exersaucer, the kind with nary a toy on the tray. This exersaucer has been through three kids already. Not that I don't think it came from a clean home, but yikes - I guess this is the start of the obsession with Lysoling the house, since everything Liam finds will be going into his mouth from now on. The other moms at our playgroup were talking about exersaucers and seemed to think this old fashioned type was the best one to have, since the parts on the new ones don't come off for cleaning. I, however, have visions of Liam throwing whatever toys we put on the tray repeatedly, and me spending hours upon hours returning them to him in a game of master and servant...

When he's done playing with (chewing) the exersaucer, the satisfaction is evident on his drooly, foam-covered face:


Anonymous said...

Carrie...I sent you a picture to show that Sydney & Liam share the same love of the exersaucer...