Monday, October 17, 2005

Getting dressed: it's his thing

Most kids have something in life that completely freaks them out, right? The trigger that will always set them off screaming. With Liam it is not thunderstorms or big dogs or the dark. No, with Liam it is getting dressed. It never fails that Liam screams while he is getting dressed. Even if it is freezing out and you'd think he'd prefer to be dressed rather than naked, he will scream the entire time you are doing it. The minute you're done the screaming ends and the crocodile tears stop, and it's always a relief to know that he's just being a pain rather than crying because you've accidentally broken his leg in the process.

Today was Liam's six month checkup. I am thankful that in addition to being just about the sweetest thing ever, my kiddo is extremely healthy - we have never been to the doctor's for any reason other than the regular checkups. With the six month checkup comes the six month shots, and you would never know that Liam has a needle-phobic mother who would have been worked up into a lather to get the same two pokes that he took without so much as a whimper. But, *I* would not have proceeded to scream bloody murder the entire time I was getting re-dressed, either. When we finally made it back out into the waiting room, Liam's face all tear-stained, I got your typical round of sympathetic smiles from the other moms. What they don't know is that they didn't hear him getting jabbed - those were the sounds of a onesie being pulled on over his head.

{It took six months, but Captain finally treats Liam like one of the family - here he is ready to lick Liam's dinner plate clean.)