Saturday, October 01, 2005

Surely, you jest

After yesterday's slopping up of every last drop of cereal (well, every last drop except for the ones that dribbled down his chin, or onto the high chair, and somehow got mashed into his ears and hair) I never thought Liam would have eating problems again. (Well, at least not until Chad tried to introduce him to the revolting concept of eggs, and I knew I'd at least have several months before that happens.) Think again... today we once more strapped Liam into the high chair, festooned him with a bib, mixed up some cereal and... he hated it. Gave us this look as if to say, I knew I had to put up with the disgusting rice cereal once, but I expected to be onto something better by now... Fruit Loops perhaps?? We didn't push the issue too much - offered him a few spoonsful and when it was clear that he wasn't interested, we called it a day. I was not expecting this. And what makes it really too sad is that for the first time in maybe two or three weeks, Liam slept through the night last night. I had thought he might be waking up again because his daytime milk-only feedings just weren't enough to keep such a big guy going anymore, and when the cereal led him to sleep through I thought the problem was solved. We'll see what happens tonight. No cereal might make for a long night for us all.

Today Chad and I tackled our big yard cleanup, which basically involved several large pairs of pruning shears and chopping down everything in sight. I believe the new neighbours take this as a welcome sight. There is quite a mess out back right now, but it's progress, and I vow to devote one of Liam's naps each day this week to yard cleanup (I don't know why it never occurred to me before to take the monitor outside. Maybe because we live in a small enough house that I really never, ever use the monitor.)

Inside, we are once again turning our thoughts to home improvement (is it just me or does this happen to everyone once you start to spend more time indoors in the fall??) We are tinkering with the idea of converting our dining room, which we have used only a handful of times in the 4.5 years that we have been here, into a den. The dining room furniture should easily fit into the living room with a bit of rearranging, and then we would really make use of more of our house every single day. The new den would then be the perfect place for Liam to play as it is right off the kitchen. We plan to move someday, but we are talking years down the road, not tomorrow, and this little project will tide us over til that day comes.

Finally, my parents jetted off at the crack of dawn this morning for Hawaii, and should (I think??) be there soon if not already. Hi mom and dad - hope Hawaii is every bit as beautiful as you remember it from 30-odd years ago.